Presentation of food items and hygiene materials to the Home by HilFedirekt Director St.Mary’s Children’s Home were recipients of some quantity of food and non food items as an emergency response to children’s need amind Ebola outbreak in the country. The support was provided by RTL Germany through a local nongovernmental organization, Hilfedirekt operating in Bo, Sierra Leone. Hilfedirekt-SL is working on joint project with Welthungerhilfe supplying quarantined homes as a response to Ebola crisis.
Making the donation, Country Director, HILFEDIREKT-SL, Dr. Musa Syed Bainda says the gesture was part of special consideration for needy children based at the St.Mary’s home in Bo whilst he pinpointed that the food items donation was part of their response to reducing hunger in quarantine communities.
Receiving the donation on behalf of the Home, the Executive Director Caritas Freetown Reverend Father Konteh thanked the donor for kindest thought for destitute children, noting that the donation was a reflection of their good thought for humanity in the world.
Father Konteh, hailed HILFEDIREKT for putting the St. Mary’s Home in the list of donation adding that the food and non food items donated was timely and a felt need for the children.
In a separate development, the proprietor of Tony Blair International Academy in Bo, Tony Blair has awarded a scholarship to Mohamed Turay, an orphan residing at the St.Mary’s Home, Bo. The scholarship covers tuition fees for the entire secondary education and uniforms, Mohamed Turay, a JSS 2 pupil, was recommended by the manager for his as the most outstanding performance in school.