Caritas Bo in collaboration with BMZ, Action Medeor and the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, wishes to inform the general public that Application Forms for Admission into the two-year Midwifery Training programme are now available for sale.

Candidates who wish to apply MUST be holders of a valid license to practice Nursing in Sierra Leone with a minimum of three years professional practice and at least a credit in two subjects at WASSCE or two “O” Levels in not more than two sittings. Mature students are encouraged to apply.

Application Forms can be obtained at United Bank For Africa (UBA) at 17  Damballa Road  on payment of a non-refundable fee of Le 150,000.00 ( One hundred and fifty thousand Leones only. All payments must be made through UBA Bank Account Number: 540610310000224 Account Name: Caritas Bo – Midwifery School.

The completed forms should be returned to the Administrative Officer, Midwifery School Bo at 41 New Gerihun Road Pastoral and Social Centre , Caritas Office Bo.

  • Please attach the following documents: A) Copy of your recent license from the Nurses and Midwives Board, B) SECHN Certificate,  C) Copy of your birth certificate or sworn  declaration of age, D) Copy of your National /voter/NASSIT ID Card, E) Two recent Passport Size Photographs bearing name,  F) A scratch card  for the verification of results, G) Recommendation Letter from a Referee (Employer or Manager)

Closing Date for the return of the completed forms is by the close of Business on Wednesday, 25th April,2018.

For further Enquiries, please contact the School on: Tel No: +232 76 671 945/ +232 88 671 945 Email address:



Admission Criteria

  • Prospective Applicants must be State Enrolled Community Health Nurses (SECHNs) with 3 years  Post-Registration experience.
  • Must have at least two credits (WASCE)
  • Must possess a SECHN Certificate from the Regulatory Body (Nurses and Midwives Board of Sierra Leone.
  • Must have a License to practice from the Nurses and Midwives Board, Sierra Leone.
  • Must be committed and interested in working in remote, rural communities (Primary Health Units and Maternity Hospital working in the rural areas.
  • Willingness to be deployed in a CHC or CHP on completion of training.
  • The training is opened to both Males and Female applicants who meet the admission criteria. (SECHN Males are encouraged to apply).
  • Nurses working with Government, Private and Non-governmental organizations are allowed to apply.







On the second item on the agenda the coordinator of the school Mr. Thomas Johnny welcome all present in the training and gave an over view of the erection of the building and how it’s being funded by the Quant family, BMZ and Action Medeor. He further told them of the need for them to go through this training of Preceptor ship so that they too can help to give support to the students in their journey to fight in the reduction and eradiation of maternal mortality ratio and infant mortality rate in Sierra Leone.


The purpose and objective of the training was done by the Head of school, she informed us that the office of the Directorate is planning to train national preceptors but the CNMO gave the school the go ahead to do a small scale training for preceptors for areas where we will send  our student on clinical placement on the 19TH February, 2018.

The Head of school gave the objectives of the session as follows:

  • To understand the maternal and newborn health care challenges in the country and implication for midwifery education and practice
  • For participants to understand the concept of preceptorship and serve as preceptors for the student of SOMBO.
  • To create the linkage between the clinical placement setting and the classroom.
  • To  create a better understanding of what is expected when students are posted to clinical facilities and thereby improve quality of the students supervision,  guidance and support.
  • To give regular feedbacks and encouragement.





We also learnt in the presentation by our facilitator Sister Hawanatu that a competent Midwife must possess the following qualities in accordance with the ICM code of conduct.


  • Must have the ability to perform.
  • Have the right attitude.
  • Their behavior at work.
  • How knowledgeable they are.
  • How skillful they can perform.
  • How they can cope with their task as preceptors

Picture showing Sister Hawanatu doing her presentation


The training ended with closing remarks by the head of school and encouraged all the participants to put into practice what they have learnt.  One of the participants gave the vote of thanks .We had group pictures and ended the training in zealous spirit by the participants to take up their new roles.

Cross section of participates


“We yone pikin” project Phase 2


Donor: CRS

Quarter Activities per Objective

  • Intermediate Result 1: Foster families provide improved parenting to EVD affected children

Activity 1.1 Social Workers carried out parental skills training to all 58 caregivers of the “we yone pikin” project and community members who are part of the SILC groups in the respective communities. The 7th module (Never Forgetting the Past: Loss and Grief) was been rolled out to caregivers. This module helped caregivers to learn that it is normal for children to miss their deceased relatives, and the life they used to know with them.  This does not mean that they are not grateful for the care and support you are providing.


  • Sub-Intermediate Result1: Foster families spend more economic resources for caring

Activity 1.1.1 SILC groups continue to be growing and faring on well. Savings in the groups continues to increase week after week. Members of the savings groups continues to secure loans from the groups of which the loans are been used to attend to domestic concerns.

Activity 1.1.2 Social Workers along with Field Agents carried out process monitoring of SILC groups in their respective areas of responsibilities. The groups are visited whiles they meet for weekly contribution. During the visit Social Workers and Field Agent guide the groups to follow laid down roles and regulations that govern their groups.

Activity 1.1.3 The monitoring team along with the lead Social Worker also do conduct routine monitoring visit to communities were the SILC groups are formed.

  • Sub-Intermediate Result2: Foster parents treat EVD affected children fairly and with love and respect.

Activity 1.2.1.a: Findings from end of project assessment conducted by CRS on “we Yone Pikin project phase one” indicates that caregivers did not understand parental skills training rolled out to them in phase one of the project. The reason for this was that the training was rolled out at once to foster parent thereby living the highly illiterate and slow learning caregivers with little understanding on Positive Parenting Skills. This short fall in phase one prompted the need for a review of training materials on parental skills. The training manual was later reviewed, simplified and reorganized into 8 cascading modules with one module to be rolled out every month to caregivers in their respective SILC groups’ when they come together for weekly contributions. This approach has increased the understanding of positive parenting and alternately taking good care of the children that stay with them. Caritas Bo staff (Social Workers) were trained for a day on the manual and on how to facilitate training on positive parental skills.

Activity 1.2.1.b: Having gone through one day training on Positive Parental Skills from CRS, Social Workers in return rolled out parental skills training to 58 caregivers during their respective SILC group weekly and or monthly meetings. One module is being rolled out to each SILC groups on a monthly basis.  The reporting period saw the rolling out of 7 Modules (modules 1 to 7) to Caregivers through training on parental skills. The titles of the different modules rolled out so far include:

  1. Being a foster parent is to be a loving parent
  2. Children Change as They Grow Older
  • Good Listening and Responding Skills,
  1. Boys, Girls and the importance of School
  2. Good Discipline and the Role Model
  3. What is Child Abuse and How to Respond?
  • Never forgetting the past: loss and grief

The training is geared towards ensuring that Caregivers learn about Positive Parenting in a bid to improving their relationship with their children and how to see both boys and girls as one in terms of opportunities, how to recognize individual differences among children and so on.

Intermediate Result 2: EVD affected children are better able to cope with their situation.

  • Sub-Intermediate Result 2.1: EVD affected children feel more confident and nurtured.
  • Activity 2.1.1. Social Workers along Catholic Women Organization Members do roll out the “singing to the lions” therapy to all 119 children who are been divided into clusters in six chiefdoms in Bo district. With the rolling out this activity, children are better prepared to overcome fear and become resilience to their situation.

Intermediate Result 3: Community leadership is better able to protect children.

  • Sub-Intermediate Result 3.1: Community-led protection mechanisms are functioning and provide monitoring and follow up.

Issues and Challenges

Break of motor bike still remains a challenge; this is having huge impact on project implementation in terms of achieving result. It is also having cost implication on the project budget line. However, we hope for a very brighter light at the end of next quarter after receiving two used motor bike from CRS through the dynamic effort Kat the CRS project manager attached to we yone pikin project.

Skeletal budget line is also having effect on the implementation of project activities. This is even worse after the increase in commodity prices in the market due to the decline in value of dollar.

Lack of refreshment for children during the rolling out of singing to the lion’s activities is also a challenge.

Lack of musical player for children for activities on singing to the lions is also another challenge.

Indicate resolutions or proposed corrective actions

  • CRS to provide additional funds to provide refreshment for children during singing to the lions activities.
  • Social Workers to improvise in providing their personal musical players during rolling out singing to the lions activities.

See photos below:

IMG-20180211-WA0093 IMG-20180211-WA0106

Strengthening community led systems for the protection, Care, Support Children for Sustainable wellbeing in Bo and Bonthe District.

Caritas Bo with support from UNICEF have been able to carry out the following activities in Bo and Bonthe districts:

  1. Train front line workers and supervisors/managers to use PRIMERO for data inputting, supervision, data sharing, analysis and for evidence based decision making commenced and was successful. 80 people (43 males 37) attended the training.
  2. The child protection/child justice training provided to MSWGCA probation officers and FSU Investigation Officers and Court monitors in Bo and Bonthe districts yielded impacts. 40 people were trained including 27 males and 13 females.
  3. In all 80 communities in Bo and Bonthe districts advocacy meetings with 100 community authorities (whole day meeting) for community based support for juveniles were held and were well attended by competent community authorities including town chiefs, VDCs, CWCs etc.
  4. Refresher training of 80 Caritas Bo staff and other NGOs on facilitation skills and how to work with communities, U-Reporting, life skills was done at district level- Bo and Bonthe. Facilitation was also supported by UNICEF child Protection Officer Child Protection Specialist. (45m and 35 F)
  5. 80 adolescent clubs/spaces were set up in 80 communities in Bo and Bonthe districts. These adolescent clubs/spaces comprise of 2, 400 children (1,234 boys and 1,166 girls).
  6. Caritas Bo Staff and other NGOs were orientated on birth registration and civil registration. The training took place at Caritas Bo office, 41 New Gerihun, Pastoral and Social Centre. The training ran through the following essential topics: What is birth and Civil registration; The National Civil Registration Act-2016; Importance of Birth and civil registration; What will happen if my Child’s birth is not Registered. 40 people were trained including 23 males and 17 females. This training have is being rolled in the communities..
  7. Children were trained in life skills to build their resilience and strengthen their coping mechanisms in all 80 communities in Bo and Bonthe Districts. 2, 400 Children including 1,234 boys and 1,166 girls benefited from the training. Children can now cope with life related challenges and say no to negative peer group influence/pressures
  8. Due to the community engagements through sensitization and advocacy in the operational communities all communities have made commitments to end child marriage and FGM/C. This was included in the community byelaws with commitments of enforcement by the local authorities.
  9. Sensitization in all 80 communities in Bo and Bonthe districts were carried out on the importance of birth and civil registration of children. The same Sensitization banners printed by all social workers were used. Also part of the tools used includes drama. Communities have now seen the need for birth registration of their children although birth certificates are in short supply at PHU levels. There is now need for printing, distribution and collection of completed certificates at community levels.

See photos below:

Support to communities with recreational kits  Sensitization on Birth Registration  pss


IMG_20180207_212415Support to communities with recreational kits2




The selection committee Starting from Left to Right:

  1. Amba Coker- Deputy Chief Nursing Officer
  2. Christiana Massallay- Acting Registrar Nurse and Midwifery Board
  3. Alhaji Turay- DMO Bo District
  4. B. Moses Kawa- Guidance counselor
  5. Patricia Mokowa- Head of School
  6. One of the candidates during the interview

IMG_20171108_121019IMG_20171108_121122 IMG_20171108_121136

The selection committee                        Candidates Waiting for interview


The School of Midwifery Bo (SOMBO) was formally opened on Saturday 21st of October, 2017.

The inauguration session was witnessed by dignitaries from all works of life including:

  • The Most Rev. Bishop Charles A.M Campbell of Caritas/Catholic Diocese of Bo
  • The Director of Caritas Bo, Mr. David S. Yambasu.
  • Honorable Minister of Health
  • The Chief medical Officer
  • Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
  • Rep from UNFPA
  • Board member Action Medeor
  • Sierra Leone Midwives Association (SLMA)
  • Chairman Bo District Council

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On  the 4TH April 2017, was the Formal launching of School Feeding/Nutrition project at the Pujehun District, Pujehun Town.

Many people were involved during the launching of the project such as Children, Stakeholders, the general Public, and representatives from line Ministries like the DMO, Deputy Director of Education, Head of Family Support Unit of the Sierra Leone Police. District Nutritionist, the CA of District Council, Head Teachers, school pupils, and the media.

The launching of the project was geared towards informing project stakeholders on project goals, aims and objectives as well as expected activities.

200 participant including key stakeholders and the Bishop of the Diocese of Bo turned up for the event and made statement thereby making commitment to the success of the project.

About  500 school pupils, 50 schools, 50 SMCs, 50 Child Welfare Committee benefited from this Project.


Bishop Charles Campbell flanked with Caritas Bo Staff during project launching.


The Catholic Women Association (C.W.A) launches “Women Empowerment for collection Action Project” in the Catholic Diocese of Bo with funds from Missio Aachen. May 2017.



Caritas Bo Team Launches Four Foods Study on April 19th in Pujehun District.

FAQ review



CARITAS BO in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation is seeking for employment self motivated, committed, qualified and visionary health professionals with sufficient knowledge and experience for the Bo Midwifery School which starts operations in September 2017.

Caritas Bo is a member of the global federation of 165 Caritas member organizations. In Sierra Leone, it is one of the four Diocesan Development Organizations working in the four Southern Districts (Bo, Bonthe, Moyamba and Pujehun Districts). Over the years, Caritas Bo has worked in Collaboration with the Ministries of Health and Sanitation, Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security the  and Ministry of Education.  In the Health Sector, Caritas Bo supports both primary and secondary health service delivery  at PHU Levels  as well as at its Catholic Referral Hospital  In Serabu. With a € 1.3 million grant from its partners BMZ and Action Medeor, Caritas Bo now seeks to contribute the health systems strengthening drive in Sierra Leone.

OUR VISION: A society devoid of extreme poverty where everyone is assured of a daily bread, equity and peaceful co-existence.

Our Mission:

  • Eradicating extreme poverty
  • Restoring human dignity and
  • Promoting social justice




QUALIFICATION: Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing specializing in Midwifery, with a Diploma in Midwifery Education and a Masters Degree in a relevant discipline.


EXPERIENCE: At least five (5) years of administrative work experience in nursing/midwifery Education


MAIN PURPOSE OF THE JOB: To coordinate and manage activities of students and staff recruitment as well as supervision and capacity building of staff, promotion of the training and selection of students. Successful candidate will provide professional leadership in the day to day running of the school and its strategic planning, performing roles in the training and teaching of students and trainees as required. The selected candidate will also be involved in the development of the curriculum, setting up time table,skills lab, development of school concept prior to school start and reporting on activities.


  • Proven track record or previous planning and administration
  • Demonstration of previous leadership roles and responsibilities
  • Experience in training/teaching and transfer of knowledge
  • Track record of communication and facilitation skills
  • Ability to write quality reports in English and meet deadlines



SALARY:      (Le106,400,000) per annum


Starting date: As soon as possible



  1. VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT – Midwifery Tutors (3)



QUALIFICATION: B Sc Degree in nursing  plus a  Diploma in Midwifery Education, registration with the Nurses and Midwives Board and a valid license


EXPERIENCE: Capable of impacting the necessary required knowledge for students to be extremely responsible and able to calmly deal with the emotional demands of caring for a mother and her new child during  and after birth. Strong communication skills and a helpful and caring nature that can help students to set a  mother’s mind at ease. At least four years teaching experience in a medical discipline with a midwifery bias.



MAIN PURPOSE OF THE JOB:  Transfer essential competencies for Basic Midwifery Practice including:

  • Social epidemiology and cultural context of maternal and newborn
  • Pre-pregnancy Care and Family Planning
  • Care during labour and birth
  • Care for women during the Post Partum period
  • Facilitation of abortion related Care

SALARY:  (Le.35,280,000) per annum


Starting date: April 2017





QUALIFICATION: A degree in library science / IT


EXPERIENCE: Must be capable to follow publishing and media trends closely, as well as be up to date on the latest computer technology. Skills in acquiring and organizing new materials for the library and deleting obsolete items.

SALARY: (Le.33,810,000) per annum


Starting date: July 2017






EXPERIENCE: perform surveillance functions within the facility. They may monitor security cameras to determine whether there are any potential problems. By monitoring the security cameras and the building itself, security personnel can watch for signs of break-in or for other problems, such as fire, a burst sprinkler or something else that might cause damage.


  • Admission Control
  • To have a desk at or near the front of the building

Have control access to the building. This may be in the form of direct control, such as having to open or close the door to admit people inside the facility.

Giving out of visitor’s badge, or requiring visitors to sign in and out of the facility.

SALARY: Negotiable (Agency Firms are encouraged to apply)


Starting date: March 2017


  1. VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT – Guidance Counsellor (1)


QUALIFICATION: A master’s degree in education counseling.


2-3 years classroom instruction and practical experience working with real students. Including skills in:

  • Counseling Processes
  • Ethical Issues in Counseling
  • Career Development for Students


Help solve personal, social and academic problems in the school. Teach students to identify problems, such as alcohol and substance abuse, family violence. Teach and practice conflict resolution skills to resolve these problems.

SALARY: (Le. 22,050,000) per annum


Starting date: September 2017



  1. VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT – House Keeper / Gardener (1)


QUALIFICATION: Basic Education Certificate Level or able to read and write English


EXPERIENCE: Previous Experience in similar position at institutional level.


To keep the compound and facility clean and conducive for learning, caring and watering plants, execute simple maintenance works on facility (buildings)?

SALARY: (Le14,700,000) per annum


Starting date: March 2017




QUALIFICATION: Basic Education Certificate Level or able to read and write English


EXPERIENCE: Previous Experience in similar position at institutional level.



To keep the compound and facility clean and conducive for learning

SALARY: (Le8,000,000) per annum


Starting date: May 2017




All application letters should quote the title of the position applied for and also provide the following details:

– Motivation letter

– Brief summary of career with competencies (Curriculum Vitae)

– Certified true copies of academic and professional certificates

– At least two references from supervisors indicating the number of years of work experience

– Certificate of good standing and registration to practice as health professional in Sierra Leone

All applications should be addressed to:

The Programme Assistant,

Caritas Bo

14 New Gerihun Road Bo


Closing for the receipt of all applications is Friday, 24th February, 2017.

NOTE: Only shortlisted Candidates will be contacted